Invest with us

With over 20 years of all-encompassing real estate development experience, our team has the knowledge and expertise to confidently secure top performing real estate, offering you prime investment opportunities.

Our Strategy

Our strategy is to acquire, develop, and build best-in-class real estate in Western Canada while focusing on the well located, resilient asset classes in top secondary markets.  From residential through to commercial, we have built an exciting pipeline of projects.

Our Process

New projects go through a rigorous evaluation process to identify opportunities capable of generating the highest risk adjusted returns. We are dedicated to sourcing and underwriting the highest quality and most compelling opportunities to add to our portfolio.

Our Management

As a vertically integrated real estate developer, our experts are hands on throughout the life cycle of a project. From development, finance, construction, marketing, leasing, and sales, our professionals collaborate to efficiently manage critical project stages and maximize the projects potential.

Project Dashboards

With a newly developed reporting system, our investors are provided with unparalleled insight into real time project status and investment performance.  By centralizing documents, agreements, performance indicators, and regular commentary, investors can interact with their investments in an innovative and transparent format.

Send us your questions

Want to learn more about our investment opportunities? Get in touch with us today. We look forward to hearing from you.